Main Terrain Park - Open
Noahs Terrain Park - Open
Upcomig Events:
Jackass Rail Jam, Apr 05 th we're hosting a rail jam from 12:00pm in the Chair 2 Terrain Park. There is NO entry fee, registration is the day of the event in the Chair 2 Terrain Park starting at 11:45. This event is sponsored by Findlay Hats, Smith, Airblaster, Blackstrap, The Great PNW, Ski Shack, Backwoods Building Solutions, and Tobler Marina.
We did get 3 inches of new snow yesterday afternoon and what a weekend it was!!! Now the spring session is showing off because the temps are getting a little higher. The wet part is coming today so dress appropriately!
College students you can celebrate spring break with us Monday thru Friday and get discounted lift tickets for only $49 through the entire month of March!
For the latest updates on events and to secure your lift tickets, visit We cant wait to see you on the mountain!